Roulette Strategy: Tips and Techniques for Winning

ROULETTE – One of the most attractive casino games in the world. Whether it’s online or real Roulette, the thrill it brings to players remains unchanged; especially the gentlemen.

A spinning wheel, a ball, and a betting table seem quite simple to all players. However, winning it is not as simple as many people think. There is one important thing that most players forget when participating, which is “there will be no casino that allows players to win big and often”. They will do everything to get money from players; especially from gamblers. But this does not mean that big players do not have a chance to win this Roulette game.

In order to win regularly, bettors need to learn the tricks of playing Roulette. According to statistics, the study of these tactics has brought a small amount of winnings to a large number of players.

Here are the most popular and easiest to apply Roulette Strategy that all players should learn and research.

Kavouras Roulette Strategy

Kavouras Strategy

The Kavouras online Roulette betting strategy is considered quite simple. Players just need to choose 20 numbers that they think will come out. Placing multiple random numbers will minimize the house’s focus on the betting area that the player focuses on.

Betting on 20 numbers is also quite flexible. Players can choose a separate bet for each number. This will help to minimize the amount of money lost. In addition, if the player bets on the correct number that the ball falls into, the profit they get is also quite high.

In short, the Kavouras trick helps players adjust the amount of bets and minimize the amount of money lost when participating.

Tier Er Tout A La Boule De Neige Strategy

This is the way to bet according to the Tier Er Tout strategy that most players apply:

  • Start with 9 units and divide them into 2 parts (1/3 – 3 units and 2/3 – 6 units). If the participant loses the first time and loses 3 units, they will continue to use the remaining 6 units to bet in the next round. If the player wins the 2nd time, it means they have 12 units (6+6 = 12). This means that the player earns 3 units after 2 bets.
  • Similarly, the player continues to divide the amount of money they own, which is 12, into 2 parts with the same ratio as above (1/3 – 4 units and 2/3 – 8 units). The first bet will be 4 and the second bet will be 8. If the player continues to lose in the 1st bet and wins in the 2nd bet, the number of units they have will be 16 (8+8 = 16). In case the player wins the bet on the first bet 4 +4 = 8. This also means that the player will also own 16 units.
  • Similarly, the player will have to divide 16 units into 2 parts (1/3 – 5 units and 2/3 – 10 units). The player will keep 1 unit or bet on the 2nd time. If you win in the 1st bet, the player will own a total of 21 units.

Labouchere Roulette Strategy

This is a Roulette as well as online Roulette strategy created by the British and it is quite complicated. Labouchere will help them with simple tricks like:

  • First, the player needs to determine the amount of winnings they want.
  • Then, divide that amount into smaller strings. For example, if you want to win $10, the string could be: 1-1-2-2-2-1-1
  • If the participant bets and wins $2 on the first bet, the remaining sequence will be 1-2-2-2-1. However, if you lose, the string will be 1-1-2-2-2-1-1-2. This means that the amount the player wants and needs to win in the next rounds will be $11.

There is one rule that all players using Labouchere’s trick must follow:

  • When winning, the player will cross out the numbers on the left and right.
  • When losing a bet, the bettor will not be allowed to cross out any numbers. In addition, they also have to add the losing number to the end of the string.

The order of the number string is entirely up to the player. If players like to bet big and create high number strings, the risk will be much higher.

In case the player fails and the numbers on the string are quite high. Players can reduce the risks that may occur next by dividing the numbers into smaller chains. For example, your losing streak is: 25 – 29 – 37 – 40 – 58 – 62 – 79 = 330 then you can divide it into 2 or 3 or more to participate in the bet. Such as:

  • String 1: 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 – 30 – 35 – 40 – 40 = 220
  • String 2: 15 – 15 – 15 – 15 = 60 or 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 = 50
  • String 3: 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 = 50 or 15 – 20 – 25 = 60

Oscar’s Grind/Pluscoup Strategy

Oscar's Grind/Pluscoup Strategy

Oscar’s Grind/Pluscoup is considered one of the best tactics in casino games. It was created not only to help players minimize their losses, but also to help them recoup their losses and make a profit.

The application of this trick is also very simple. Players just need to keep the same bet amount after each losing round. In case of winning, the participant will increase 1 unit in the next bet. For example, if the player starts betting with $1, the amount to be placed after each round of betting can be:

  • Round 1: Start with $1 and if you lose, the bet amount in the next round will be $1.
  • Round 2: Continue to start betting with $1. Losing the bet, the bet amount for the next round will still be $1.
  • Round 3: Continue betting with $1. Win the bet => the player will start to increase the bet amount in the next round to $2.
  • Round 4: Start with $2. If you lose the bet, you will continue to bet with $2. However, if you win the bet, the bet amount in the next round will be $3.

Look at the table below. Players can continue to bet with $2 if it makes a profit for them.

In short, this tactic does not require the player to increase 1 unit after winning the bet. According to experts, players should use this trick to bet in the dozen area (1st – 2nd – 3rd dozens). It will bring them more profit.

Hollandish Strategy

If you start with $1 then the next betting sequences will be $1 – $3 – $5 – $7 – $9 – $11

In case you start with $2 then the next betting sequence will be $2 – $6 – $10 – $14 – $18 – $22

Assuming the player starts betting with $1 and the initial total is $20, your 3-round string could be:

  • String 1: Bet $1 and if you lose, the remaining amount will be $19.
  • String 2: Continue betting with $1 and if you win, the total amount you have will be $20.
  • String 3: Continue to bet $1 and win. The total amount of money you have is $21 (with $1 profit).

To continue betting, the player must return to 3 chains. For example, if the player continues to bet a new chain with $1 and the initial amount is $20 (not including $1 profit), the next 3 chains will be:

  • String 1: Bet $1 and if you lose, the remaining amount will be $19.
  • String 2: Continue betting with $1 and if you lose, the total amount you have will be $18.
  • String 3: Continue to bet $1 and lose. The total amount of money you have is $17 (with a total loss of $3).

Similarly, participants are required to bet with chain 3 but this time will start with $3. The total remaining amount is $17. Since the player has won $1 in the first 3 chains, the total amount of money they currently have is $18. So the next 3 strings could be:

  • String 1: Bet $3 and if you win, the remaining amount will be $21.
  • String 2: Continue betting with $3 and if you lose, the total amount you have will be $18.
  • String 3: Continue to bet $3 and win. The total amount of money you have at the end is $21.

Martingale Strategy

Martingale is one of the most popular Roulette strategy in the world. It is widely applied in most casinos from traditional to online. The purpose of this casino game trick is simply to double the bet after losing. This means that if a player bets $1 and loses, the next turn they will have to bet $2. Similarly, if they continue to lose, the bonus will be $4. However, doubling the bet will end when the player wins.

However, compared to the above online Roulette game tips, Martingale is more dangerous. Doubling the bet after each loss can cause the amount of money lost to increase very high. Imagine if your first bet was $10, the amount lost for a 9-bet streak would be over $1000. And obviously, with a loss of more than $1000, your account will be affected in increasing bets in the next rounds due to the terms of the online casinos.

In short, whether you are a new player or have experience, you should consider using the Martingale strategy.

Paroli Strategy

Paroli Strategy

This is an extremely simple tactic. Because of its contrast to Martingale, it is also known as Anti-Martingale. However, their common goal is still to help minimize the amount of money lost for online Roulette participants.

Paroli is very easy to use. Players just need to keep the bet amount the same in each round if they lose. And vice versa, the player will double the bet each time they win (instead of doubling, the player is allowed to increase 1 unit). But if after that winning round the player loses, they are forced to go back to betting with the original bet amount. Take a look at the image below and you will understand more about this tactic:

However, this tactic is not as widely applied as Martingale or Hollandish. Many players misunderstand that it is only suitable for traditional Roulette, not online Roulette. In fact, the main reason is that players need to have a winning streak to be able to make a profit from it.

Romanosky Strategy

Romanosky is also known as Romanofski or Romanowski. Compared to Martingale, the Romanosky strategy has brought certain victories to quite a few online Roulette players. The rate of players winning using this trick is up to 86.5%. And they have 6 choices with 8 chips for themselves when applying this tip.

Romanosky 1

  • Players bet 3 units on dozens 2 and 3 (2nd Twelve and 3rd Twelve)
  • Then, place the remaining 2 chips in corners 2-6 and 7-11
  • Numbers not included in this bet are: 0, 1, 4, 9, 12
  • When you win, you will get 1 chip – Win rate: 86%

Romanosky 2

  • Players bet 3 units on dozens 2 and 3 (2nd Twelve and 3rd Twelve)
  • Then, place the remaining 2 chips in corners 1-5 and 8-12
  • Numbers not included in this bet are: 0, 3, 6, 7, 10
  • When you win, you will get 1 chip – Win rate: 86%

Romanosky 3

  • The player bets 3 units on dozens 1 and 3 (1st Twelve and 3rd Twelve)
  • Then, place the remaining 2 chips in corners 14-18 and 19-23
  • Numbers not included in this bet are: 0, 13, 16, 21, 24
  • When you win, you will get 1 chip – Win rate: 86%

Romanosky 4

  • The player bets 3 units on dozens 1 and 3 (1st Twelve and 3rd Twelve)
  • Then, place the remaining 2 chips in corners 13-17 and 20-24
  • Numbers not included in this bet are: 0, 15, 18, 19, 22
  • When you win, you will get 1 chip – Win rate: 86%

Romanosky 5

  • The player bets 3 units on dozens 1 and 2 (1st Twelve and 2nd Twelve)
  • Then, place the remaining 2 chips in corners 26-30 and 31-35
  • Numbers not included in this bet are: 0, 25, 28, 33, 36
  • When you win, you will get 1 chip – Win rate: 86%

Romanosky 6

  • The player bets 3 units on dozens 1 and 2 (1st Twelve and 2nd Twelve)
  • Then, place the remaining 2 chips in corners 25-29 and 32-36
  • Numbers not included in this bet are: 0, 27, 30, 31, 34
  • When you win, you will get 1 chip – Win rate: 86%

D’Alembert Strategy

An old, arguably outdated tactic, but it’s still used in casino games for its safety. D’Alembert is considered a tactic that is the opposite of the Labouchere tactic. It works effectively with the Red and Black, Even and Odd or 1-18 and 19-36 betting formats.

Applying D’Alembert in online Roulette Strategy is also very easy. People often divide it into 2 different forms – basic and backup. And which one to use depends on the player’s preference.

Basically, the player will keep the same bet amount in the next round if they win. However, if they lose, they will have to increase by 1 unit for each subsequent round. Take a look at the example table below for more information:

There will be a complete difference in the backup D’Alembert strategy. When betting, the player will increase 1 unit in each winning round and decrease 1 unit in each losing round. Here is a detailed picture of this bet type:

This tactic is very easy to use, but if the player is looking for a big win, D’Alembert is not for them. In short, it will bring a small profit to the player and is considered quite suitable for new players.

Which Roulette Strategy is the Best?

In fact, there is no strategy that brings 100% victory to players. Online Roulette Strategy or traditional Roulette attracts a lot of players because of the fun and drama it brings. No matter what strategy the participants in traditional or online casino games use, they need to consider carefully. Especially, it is necessary to check the reputation of the casino before participating to avoid unfortunate incidents at Tala888.

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